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Menigheten støtter en familie i Filippinene økonomisk som driver et arbeid blant fattige. Arbeidet består blant annet i å sørge for skolegang for barn fra fattige familier, bibelstudiegrupper og prakisk hjelp. Blant annet har de vært involvert i å hjelpe ofrene fra tyfonen som rammet landet. Under kan du lese utdrag fra mailer de har sendt om arbeidet de står i. Mailene finnes kun  på engelsk.

of February 2014:

Hi, thank you so much for your email… and we do appreciate your help.
helping flood victims still going on, Rudy and some of our staff will be going
back there next week again, we were able to raise more for at least 200
families with rice and groceries, and since we have dts team, rudy is going to
bring them, for evanglism and open air.. so it would be an opportunity again.
after this, our next steps visit would be on 3rd week of June.. when Rudy go
there, he will spy a school that we could adopt as a base to help children for
their school needs for the coming school opening, we will do a short outreach
with my youth from the community. I am praying to target 1000 children to be
given a set of school supplies like:
1 bag——————————250.00
10 notebooks——————-150.00
2writing paper——————-  24.00
2 pencils—————————-14.00
1 crayon—————————–25.00
rain coat/umbrella—————-150.00
648.00 pesos per child ( 15.00 )

we are excited about this project again…please
include us in your prayer
I will email you again soon:)


9th of March

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being our partner
with my family and our work here in Cagayan. we are all excited for June Target
1000 for students to  give away school supplies.. for one week now Rudy is
out for Leyte again, together with our friends who just visited us, they went
there, and according to Rudy when he call this morning, they were able to build
new house, and new comfort room to one family who do not have a house, and a
water pump, as the family struggle with water.. the couple has quit a lot of
kids,so they priorities them.  it is a long way trip going there 15 hrs by
bus or car… but thank God for His protection to him, and to us who keep
coming back and fort to the area, recently 3 of the member of dts who go there got
a dengue…. it makes me scared cause I always bring my small boy with me
everytime we go there. but thank God for His protection to us all.. the 3 who
got dengue is already ok… praise God.
    when we are there 2 weeks ago
the pastor gives us a good news that because of what we are doing there, they
were able to open new bible studies, and put up a pioneering church, last
sunday, he said that their church were full pack of people, one of their bible
study had an attendance of 50-60 people.. that makes us very excited to do
more…. we believed that there is always a reason behind of all this
things…. so continue to help us pray.. you guys gives, we go, but we all reap
the same harvest!!! thank you so much for standing with us.. God bless us

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